Third Eye Chakra in Pregnancy

Ajna chakra: Third eye, intuition, imagination, inner wisdom.

I’ve heard it mentioned many times that women become more intuitive during their pregnancy. Could this be due to brain changes, hormonal changes, body changes, spirit shifting, and the natural turning inwards in preparation for birth.

I don’t know for sure, but I do know this is the perfect time to start, re-start or deepen a meditation practice.

On my childbirth classes I recommend a daily mindfulness practice for both parents as mind practices have shown to be beneficial for having a positive birth experience & help your partner to stay calm & supportive during labour. Mindfulness is hugely helpful for the stresses of parenting.

Pregnancy is a time when we can tune into the innate wisdom of our bodies. Listening to, trusting and responding to signals and messages in our body is something we do in our yoga practice. This will help you get ready for birthing, enabling you to move as you need as your baby moves down, and be responsive not reactive if offered medical assistance along the way.

Intuition is something that may not come immediately as a new parent. It can be both beautiful and also utterly terrifying to be handed your precious and vulnerable baby for the first time.

It takes some time to build up not only the confidence but also the knowledge of what your baby needs. Every day you and your baby are learning about each other and in just a few weeks time you will be able to respond to them in a way that begins to feel intuitive. Every time you get something wrong you are learning.

Postnatal Yoga (both with and without your baby), Mindful Parenting & Baby Massage classes all available.

(Painting courtesy of my very talented baby @rosie.godwin)

Brigid Godwin