Sugar Crazed Monsters

Happy first Halloween to all the brand new humans!

I've only just managed to identify the complex feelings in my tummy this week as all the pumpkins start to appear on doorsteps (much sooner than they ever used to!). It's the twang of nostalgia.

I was a very reluctant adopter of the whole Halloween thing when my girls were little. Being a kid of the 70's, Halloween was only something that Americans did on tele. Also, I was an extremely 'sugar anxious' parent. Even to this day, the girls remind me of their PTSD or 'post traumatic sugar deficit' whenever they hear an ice-cream van as unfortunately for them they had ‘the most horrible mummy in the whole world’. (Side-note; for all my efforts, within a week of starting year 7 they had both managed to more than make up for a decade of sugar austerity!).

Halloween felt out of control and slightly forced. But as they got older, it became apparent that it was actually way more fun for them than Christmas. Dressing up, walking the streets as tiny witches in a gang after dark, finding the houses that still had candles in pumpkins burning, coming home with illegal contraband that they tried to stuff into their gobs as quickly as they could before Mummy safely stored it (in the bin).

Our house was situated right in the heart of what could only be described as 'highly competitive and fertile Halloween Disneyland'. It came to pass that we would host an annual gathering of tipsy mums and sugar crazed monsters for apple bobbing and other such mess before heading out to beg for Haribos each year.

So frosty mornings, autumn leaves, spiders and cobwebs, pumpkins and sugar skulls are taking me back to some very happy times when I felt like I was being a good enough mummy and my girls were exploring some new exciting boundaries.

With a pang in my heart that says at the same time 'Wow! What lovely times we had,' and also 'I'm sad they are gone,' I'm completely loving watching it all unfold for the next generation of little ghouls and tiny boils of today.

So let's go full out Halloween for our upcoming first Postnatal Yoga and Baby Bonding class that starts on the 31st October at Flourish (only 2 spaces left).

Check out all the other Autumn offerings for new mums and mums-to-be:

Brigid Godwin