The Throat Chakra in Pregnancy

Vishuddha: Throat chakra, communication, self expression, speaking your truth, listening carefully.

Apparently I was a mooer when I was birthing my babies! Vocalising during labour is an instinctive thing to do. Interestingly moaning, humming, mooing, making vowel sounds or chanting all increase the function of the vagus nerve, which helps to increase the parasympathetic nervous system, allowing mums to better manage. Also while you are vocalising, this increases the length of the exhale, which has the same effect.

Communication is vital between the birthing woman, her partner and their caregivers especially when any support or interventions are being offered.

When women report dissatisfaction or trauma regarding their births, it seems not so much to do with the outcome of the birth, but how they were made to feel during this period of intense vulnerability.

Not being listened to, not having their options properly explained, not having risks balanced with benefits, not being asked for their permission before something was inserted into their bodies, not being allowed to move as they would have wished or made to feel that an intervention was necessary when in fact it was a choice. These can all lead to trauma, regret, sadness, a sense of violation or grief.

We communicate through words, gestures and behaviours.

Knowing your rights, your options and preparing for communication with your caregivers is a REALLY important part of birth preparation.

Check our my Couples Birth Refresher Workshops and my Birth Holistic; Mind-Body-Birth workshops which include hypnobirth.

Brigid Godwin