The Heart Chakra in Pregnancy

❤️Anahata: Heart, love, compassion, empathy, fear, protection, attachment, emotional intelligence.

This chakra is a hot-bed of activity during pregnancy, birth and parenting!

Many women will feel love & attachment to their baby from the moment they find out they are pregnant. This attachment can also bring fear, as what we love we fear losing.

An unexpected or unwanted pregnancy may also bring fear & confusion.

Either way, this is a time of enormous emotional upheaval, choices and anticipation.

Like a divining rod, our anahata is feeling into our past looking for information to help us to ‘try on’ different outcomes and prepare us for an unknown future.

Anahata, will have very strong opinions, deep wisdom and a wealth of knowledge for you. It deserves to be listened to.

Try this beautiful practice to help tune into your hearts wisdom, dispel fear and bring your heart & mind into coherence (@heartmathinstitute), a state of symbiosis where you amplify intuition, empathy & connection to others as well as improving your outlook on life & soothing your nervous system.

💕Place one hand on your heart centre, the other on your baby (if they are inside or outside of you). Connect consciously to your baby. Notice what you feel. If you have difficult or complicated feelings for your baby then perhaps think about someone who you have a more easy relationship with.

Start to deepen your breath, breathing in & out of your nose. Count for 5 seconds as you inhale, 5 seconds as you exhale. Start to invite heartfelt feelings of gratitude, love, compassion. Sit with this for a few minutes, steeping yourself in these positive & uplifting emotions.

Pregnancy Yoga: Mondays 7.30pm and Saturdays 9.45am in Tunbridge Wells.

Brigid Godwin