The Solar Plexus Chakra in Pregnancy

🔥 Manipura, fire, confidence, your sense of self, showing up in the world.

Our culture teaches women to not trust their bodies & often to fear childbirth. Before we have our own experience of birth, we will have heard many stories & seen many images of women labouring in a way that may have seemed frightening, terrifying, overwhelming.

These images are powerful & I truly believe they impact on the way that women process their own experience of birth.

If we have fear, this creates tension, tension creates pain, pain creates more fear & the cycle continues.

Add to this a feeling of disempowerment that can sometimes be felt from being in a healthcare setting that is essentially ‘a system’. In this system the incredible staff may not have the resources to give you individualised care. Or you may find it hard to speak out & ask for what it is that you really want or need.

This can lead to women feeling regretful, unsatisfied or even traumatised by their birth experience, even if everyone is healthy.

I often hear first time mums with regrets about their birth experience, but how this transforms into renewed confidence and assertiveness in their subsequent labours as they realise the importance of being heard.

I have 7 guided meditations / hypnobirth tracks on the On Demand section of my website (where I also have a selection of pregnancy and postnatal yoga classes) and one of them deals specifically with manipura chakra and increasing your confidence for birth. If you purchase the On Demand, I also send you them as MP3’s you can listen to on your phone. You can purchase all 7 hypnobirth tracks for just £10 or get them included as part of the Bumps & Babies Subscription (£15 - £25 per month).

Hypnobirth workshops, Couples Birth Refresher workshops, Pregnancy & Postnatal Teacher Training, Pregnancy Yoga, Postnatal Yoga, Mindful Parenting, Baby Massage all available in and around Tunbridge Wells & Penshurst.

Brigid Godwin