Pregnancy Yoga? What's All The Fuss?

Pregnancy Yoga, what’s all the fuss about?? Weeeeeellllll, it’s quite simply one of the best things you can do in preparation for birth. Why?

- Movement is crucial for health. The gentle adapted sequences keep you supple and help you adapt to your ever changing pregnant body and helps you stay grounded.

-It helps to keep you strong so you continue to feel light despite weight gain. Also if you have stamina you will be able to stay mobile with greater ease and for longer during labour. Staying upright and mobile helps your baby move through your pelvis and reduces the likelihood of pain relief and other interventions.

-We practice movements for birth giving you a felt experience of positions you might fine useful on the day.

-Learning to control your breath gives you control over your nervous system, hormones, brain waves - all incredibly powerful ways to affect change in how you are feeling and what you are experiencing. This keeps you in charge and reduces anxiety not just in the short term, but also creates better vagal tone which means you cope with stress better in the long run too.

-Mindfulness. Each class has mindfulness integrated into it so you learn this valuable skill by default. Mindfulness will help you stay calm and focused whatever kind of birth you have. It’s also a valuable skill for parenting.

-Share your experience and meet other local mums-to-be. This is a friendly and supportive group where hundreds of life-long friendships have been cultivated.

-Antenatal tips. I’ve been helping mums prepare for birth for 20 years so can give you bespoke advice and tips on your journey and help you practice safely even with a range of pregnancy related body issues.

- I’m a trained hypnobirth practitioner which means you get a guided hypnobirth relaxation at the end of each session. Learning to relax is a crucial part of your birth preparation.

Mondays at Flow Tunbridge Wells 7.30pm - 8.45pm.

Tuesdays at Bubba & Me Tunbridge Wells 6.30pm - 7.45pm from May 10th.

Brigid Godwin