Catherine & Lottie

“We took part in the couple’s hypnobirthing workshop and it was brilliant. Brigid gave us lots of useful information and practical tips to prepare us for the birth, debunked myths and gave advice on birthing positions and ways my husband could help during labour. As well as understanding and practising hypnobirthing, we got lots of helpful resources including a hypnobirthing book and a yoga DVD and the workshop was good value for money.
Before I did the workshop I was scared/concerned about labour but Brigid helped me feel positive about it and reframe it. I’m now mum to a beautiful baby girl and even though I did need medical intervention during labour in the end because of the baby’s positioning, I found the birth experience empowering and the hypnobirthing techniques useful. I’d recommend Brigid’s workshop to any mums to be.”


Brigid Godwin